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Welcome to a world where geography
is history

Cross-Cultural The@tre

  • Any theatre group anywhere in the world can opt to work with another theatre group (or several groups) without having to travel.

  • We believe in good theatre for good causes. But we also believe that the theatre creators should get an honorarium for the effort they put in.

  • If the play is for a charitable cause 20% is retained
    by TRCi (The Red Curtain International).
    30% goes to the cause.
    50% to the Production Houses involved.

  • If the play itself is the cause, 75% goes to the cast and crew and 25% is retained by TRCi.

  • Even if you are an independent thespian, register with us in case you like the idea of a world without borders.



Good The@tre Family Members meet on the first Sunday of each quarter.

We'll take you around the world in 80 minutes.

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